Tabligh Day organised by Qiadat Tabligh, Majlis Ansarullah UK
By the grace of Allah, Qiadat Tabligh Majlis Ansarullah UK was able to hold a Tabligh Day across the country on Sunday, February 19, 2023. The theme of this Tabligh day was Stop World War 3, in the light of the continuous guidance of beloved Huzur, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper). Regions of Majlis Ansarullah UK actively participated in this Tabligh day with full preparation.
Participation: Almost all regions of Majlis Ansarullah UK actively participated in the Tabligh Day. A brief overview of these activities of the regions is as following.
1. Baitul Ehsan Region
Baitul Ehsan Region set up a tabligh stall in Sutton High Street, South London. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. A total of 30 Ansar and 4 children participated in the effort and distributed hundreds of leaflets.

2. Baitul Futuh Region
Baitul Futuh region set up a tabligh stall outside Wimbledon Station, London. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. A total of 22 Ansar participated in the effort and distributed hundreds of leaflets.

3. Bashir Region
Bashir Region set up a tabligh stall on Kingston upon Thames High Street, London. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. About 50 Ansar and 8 children participated in the effort and distributed hundreds of leaflets.

4. East Midlands Region
East Midlands Region set up stalls in Burton, Leicester and Nottingham. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. A total of 40 Ansar and some khuddam and atfal also participated in this effort and distributed hundreds of leaflets. A large number of people appreciated this effort.

5. East Region
East Region set up stalls in Stratford, North London, and Gillingham in East London. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. A TV channel UK44 presented this effort in its news.

6. Fazal Region
Fazal Region set up a stall in Fulham Broadway, London. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. 40 Ansar participated in this effort and distributed hundreds of leaflets.

7. Masroor Region
Masroor Region set up a stall in Epsom High Street, London. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. 42 Ansar participated in the effort and distributed hundreds of leaflets.

8. Muqami (Islamabad) Region
Muqami region set up a stall in Guilford Town Center. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. A TV channel UK44 presented this effort in its news.

9. Nasir Region
Nasser Region set up stalls in Ealing Broadway, Hounslow and Slough in West London. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. At one stall, the First Secretary of the Embassy of Bosnia-Herzegovina in London also stopped and discussed. She was also presented with books on Life of Muhammad and World Crisis & the Pathway to Peace and other literature.

10. North East Region
North-East Region set up stalls in the cities of Huddersfield, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Stockton and Wakefield. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. 30 Ansar participated in this effort and distributed hundreds of leaflets.

11. North West Region
North West Region set up stalls in Manchester Picadilly. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. 32 Ansar participated in this effort and distributed hundreds of leaflets.

12. South Region
South Region set up a stall in Beckenham High Street in south London. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. A total of 40 Ansar participated in this effort and distributed hundreds of leaflets.

13. Tahir Region
Tahir Region set up a stall at Exhibition Street in central London. It is a popular and busy place near Natural History Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum and Imperial College London. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. 76 Ansar participated in this effort and distributed hundreds of leaflets.

14. Wales and South West Region
Wales and the South West Region set up a stall on Cardiff High Street and raised awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. The held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on this subject.

15. West Midlands Region
West Midlands Region set up a stall in Birmingham City Centre. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. 46 Ansar participated in this effort and distributed hundreds of leaflets.

16. Noor Region
Noor Region set up a mass stall in Clapham, south London. Ansar brothers in a pair held posters of Stop World War 3 and distributed leaflets on the same topic to raise awareness among the public about the importance of peace and the disadvantages of war. 43 Ansar participated in this effort and distributed hundreds of leaflets.

Tabligh on Social Media
Twitter Space: At the end of the Tabligh Day, a Twitter space was also held at 6 pm in which the participants spoke on the subject and regional representatives presented their day-long efforts and public response. By the grace of Allah, following activities were held in different regions. The recording of this Twitter Space can be listened from Qiadat Tabligh Twitter account @UKMuslimsForPeace.
WhatsApp: Ansar were also provided video clips of the excerpts from the addresses and speeches of beloved huzur Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) to share on social media platforms to spread awareness beyond the limits of geographical boundaries. These clips were posted as WhatsApp status to be shared with wider audience.