Tabligh Day organised by Qiadat Tabligh, Majlis Ansarullah UK
By the grace of Allah, Qiadat Tabligh Majlis Ansarullah UK was able to hold a Tabligh Day across the country on Sunday, Jun11, 2023. The theme of this Tabligh day was Stop World War 3, in the light of the continuous guidance of beloved Huzur, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper). Regions of Majlis Ansarullah UK actively participated in this Tabligh day with full preparation.
1. Baitul Ehsan Region

2. Bashir Region

3. East Region

4. East Midlands Region

5. Fazal Region

6. Masroor Region

7. Muqami (Islamabad) Region

8. Nasir Region

9. Noor Region

10. North East Region

11. North West Region

12. Scotland Region

13. South Region

14. Tahir Region

15. Wales and South West Region

16. West Midlands Region

Radio – Voice of Islam
Listen to National Tabligh Day pre event coverage in Drive Time Show on Voice of Islam radio on Friday 9 June 2023.
Listen from: 40:45 – 53:45
Listen to National Tabligh Day coverage in Breakfast Show on Voice of Islam radio from Monday 12 June 2023.
Listen from: 12:40 – 31:45
Twitter Space
At the end of the Tabligh Day, a Twitter space was also held at 7 pm in which the participants spoke on the subject and regional representatives presented their day-long efforts and public response. By the grace of Allah, following activities were held in different regions. The recording of this Twitter Space can be listened via this ink –
Ansar were also provided video clips of the excerpts from the addresses and speeches of beloved huzur Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) to share on social media platforms to spread awareness beyond the limits of geographical boundaries. These clips were posted as WhatsApp status to be shared with wider audience.