September 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Rayes Park held a Tabligh stall on 27th September 2022 at Raynes Park Station. Fareed Ahmad sahib and Nasir Ahmad sahib gave their time and distributed leaflets.
May 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Tablīgh set up 2 Tablīgh stalls at Stoneleigh High Street and Raynes Park Station on 16th May 2022, in which 5 Ansar took part. One group organised a Tablīgh stall in Worcester Park with 3 Ansar, and another held a Tablīgh stall in Stoneleigh High Street. Nasir Ahmad sahib, Khalid Mahmood sahib, Mansoor Ahmad sahib, Tasneem Ahmad sahib and Muhamad Usama sahib gave their time. On these stalls, they distributed leaflets.
Majlis Ansarullah Raynes Park celebrated National Tablīgh Day in Leatherhead and held a village Tablīgh stall on 29th May. Leatherhead village was a new village for Majlis Raynes Park, and 4 Ansar brothers sacrificed their time, travelled to the village, distributed 76 leaflets, and held 2 one-to-one. Participants were Nadeem Mirza sahib, Tasneem Ahmad sahib, Fareed Ahmad sahib and Nasir Ahmad sahib.
April 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Raynes Park held a Tabligh Stall at Raynes Park Station, Raynes Park, on 12th April 2022. Nasir Ahmad sahib, Muhammad Usama sahib, Asif Mahmood Mughal sahib and Tahir Labib sahib (Asif sahib’s son) gave their time and distributed 40 leaflets and 2 books. At this stall, he had the opportunity to preach to 2 people.
Majlis Ansarullah Raynes Park held Tabligh Stall at Raynes Park Station, Raynes Park on 30th April 2022. Nasir Ahmad Sahib and Asif Mahmood Mughal Sahib participated and gave 70 leaflets and 3 books. Three visitors came and did one to one discussion. One visitor came to attend the Iftar Dinner on the same day at Baitul Futuh Mosque.
March 2022
On 6th March 2022, Majlis Ansarullah Raynes Park organised two Tablīgh stalls on Worcester Park High Street and Stoneleigh Station. Ansar Nasir Ahmad sahib, Arif Langah Sahib, Khalid Ahmad sahib and Tasneem Ahmad sahib gave their time and distributed leaflets. Few visitors came to visit the stall. Picture of the Promised Messiah(as) displayed throughout the stall time.
February 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Raynes Park held a Tabligh Stall at Raynes Park Station on 12th February 2022. Ansar gave leaflets at this stall, and a few one-to-one discussions took place. Dr Akhlaq Ahmad sahib and Nasir Ahmad sahib participated.
Majlis Ansarullah Raynes Park set up a Tabligh stall at Raynes Park Station on 27th February 2022. Nasir Ahmad sahib, Muhammad Usama participated in this day’s activities. They distributed 75 leaflets. Four one- to-one discussions were also held.
January 2022
Majlis Raynes Park setup a Tablīgh stall at Raynes Park Starion on 16th January 2022. Two Ansar participated and 15 leaflets were distributed. about 10 people visited.