June 2022
On 5th June 2022, Majlis Ansarullah Malden Maner held a Tablīgh stall at Worcester Park High Street. Two Ansar participated, and they gave 80 leaflets and had a good discussion.
At Worcester Park High Street, Majlis Ansarullah Malden Manor set up a Tablīgh stall on 26th June 2022. The participants were able to distribute 68 leaflets and 1 book. Adeel Saqib sahib, Naeem sahib and Khawaja Irfan sahib gave their voluntary duty on this stall. They had two discussions too.
May 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Malden Manor set up a Tablīgh stall on 29th May at Worcester Park High Street. Three Ansar participated in that day’s activities, gave 25 leaflets, and had 2 Tablīgh chats.
April 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Malden Manor held a Tabligh stall on 3rd April 2022 at Worcester Park High Street. Two Ansar participated and distributed 42 leaflets. They also had 2 good preaching discussions.
At Worcester Park High Street, Majlis Ansarullah Malden Manor set up a Tabligh stall on 10th April 2022. Two Ansar participated and distributed 30 leaflets and had two preaching discussions. Participants had a 10-minute discussion with a local gentleman, Kevin, who came to the stall last
week. He wanted to read Promised Messiah’s book “Jesus in India”.
March 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Malden Manor held a Tablīgh Stall at Worcester Park on 6th March 2022 and spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat.
February 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Malden Manor held a Tabligh stall on 27th February 2022 at Worcester Park High Street. With the participation of 4 Ansars, around 45 leaflets were distributed.