On 20th September 2022, Majlis Ansarullah Wimbledon held a city Tabligh stall at Southfields Station. Asghar Mahmood Naz sahib and Toheed Ahmed sahib participated. They gave 37 leaflets and 2 books and had 2 discussions with the visitors.
At Morrison Wimbledon, Majlis Ansarullah Wimbledon set up 2 Tabligh stalls on 31st July 2022. Abdul Qadeer sahib, Toheed Ahmed sahib and Tehmeed Ahmed sahib participated, distributed 66 leaflets, and gave a preaching talk.
On 30th June 2022, Majlis Ansarullah Wimbledon held a Tablīgh stall at Wimbledon Park Station. Abdul Qadeer sahib and Toheed Ahmed sahib participated. They gave 57 leaflets this day and had 1 preaching discussion.
Majlis Ansarullah Wimbledon held 2 village Tablīgh stalls at Upper Halliford on 29th May 2022. Muhammad Amin sahib, Safeer Ahmad sahib, Asghar Mahmood Naz sahib, Munawar Ahmed Tashna sahib and Toheed Ahmed sahib gave their time and distributed 208 leaflets and 2 books.
Majlis Ansarullah Wimbledon held a city Tabligh stall on 28th April 2022 at Morrisons Wimbledon. The Ansar that participated were Muhammad Amin sahib, Munawar Ahmad Tashna sahib and Toheed Ahmed sahib. They distributed 70 leaflets of “Stop World War 3” and 5 books.
March 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Wimbledon held a city Tablīgh stall at Morrisons Wimbledon on 30th March 2022. Muhammad Amin sahib, Nasir Ahmad Bajwa sahib and Toheed Ahmed sahib gave their time and distributed 92 leaflets.
February 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Wimbledon held a city Tabligh Stall at Southfield station on 28th February 2022. Toheed Ahmed sahib, Sheikh Abdul Waheed Najmi sahib and Qadeer Ahmed sahib participated. They distributed 12 “Stop World War 3 and 3 “The Messiah has Come” leaflets.
January 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Wimbledon setup two city Tablīgh stalls on 29th January 2022. It was a successful stall with the leafletting of 106 leaflets and giving 2 books. Four Ansar Abdul Qadeer sahib, Munawar Ahmad Tashna sahib, Zeeshan Ahsan sahib and Toheed Ahmed sahib participated.