Majlis Ansārullah Battersea organised a Tablīgh sitting on 2nd April 2020 with 6 English guests.
This programme was held at Bashir Ahmed Taheem sahib’s house.
This meeting started at 5:30 pm. The guests were high profile, like the doctor, lawyer, and church representatives, and their wives were present. A brief video of introduction of our Jamaat was given, and after the video, Mohtaram Ataul Momin Zahid sahib (Murrabi e Silsila) gave a brief introduction of Jamaat Ahmadiyya, followed by the question-answer session. The guests asked many questions, and the Murabbi sahib gave them answers. All the guests were pleased and satisfied after the question-answer session. In the end, the host served Pakistani food to the guests with nice tasty ice cream.
The Gift of the Holy Qur’ān was given to one guest. All the guests thanked and promised to come back on the next programme. Meeting ended with a silent prayer.