How to Achieve A Ba’it?
Practical Steps Towards Effective Tabligh
Organised by Qiadat Tabligh Majlis Ansarullah UK
An online Tabligh Workshop was held via Zoom on Sunday June 12, 2022 organized by the Qiadat Tabligh Majlis Ansarullah UK. The topic of the workshop was “How to Achieve A Ba’it?”. The main purpose of this workshop was to motivate Ansar brothers for preaching and inculcate a new spirit among them. Also, in the last Majlis e Shura for the Year 2021 of Majlis Ansarullah UK, the shura proposal under Tabligh recommended to arrange such programmes for adopting various means and procedures for obtaining maximum number of ba’it.
The programme began with recitation of the Holy Qur’an. Khurshid Javed Ahmad sahib presented the recitation of the Holy Qur’an with translation.
Haris Latif Malik sahib, Additional Qaid Tabligh welcomed the guests and introduced the programme. The programme was divided in two parts; the first part featuring some faith-inspiring speeches and excerpts on the importance of Tabligh and prayer, while the second part included accounts of personal experiences of success in acheiving ba’it by various da’iyan Illallahs.
Faith-inspiring Events and Advices
Sheikh Sharjeel Ahmad sahib, Murrabi Silsila delivered a speech on the topic “Importance of Prayer in Tabligh” in English.
Tahir Mahmood Mubasher sahib Murrabi Silsila and Teacher Jamia Ahmadiyya UK spoke in Urdu on the same theme “Importance of Prayer in Tabligh“.
Between these two speeches, some video clips on the theme of Tabligh from the sermons of Khulfa-e-Ahmadiyyat were shown to the audience. These included some excerpts from the Friday sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (ra) from 12th August 1983 (13:19 – 21:54).
and the Eid sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(aba) from 2nd May 2022 (25’23”, 26’03” and 35’00” – 38’40”).
Personal Experiences
In the second part of the programme, following Ansar brothers presented their experiences and stories of successful achievement of ba’it.
- Mashhood Butt sahib
- Nasir Orchard sahib
- Kemal Ziane Berroudja sahib
- Fazal Syed sahib
Questions and Answers
At the end of the programme, various questions from the audience were asked. The panel to answer the questions consisted of the following:
- Ahmed Naseeruddin sahib, Qaid Tabligh Majlis Ansarullah UK
- Tahir Mahmood Mubashar sahib, Murrabi Silsila and Teacher Jamia Ahmadiyya UK
- Sheikh Sharjeel Ahmed sahib, Murrabi Silsila
Finally, Qaid Tabligh Majlis Ansarullah UK, Ahmed Naseeruddin sahib thanked the audience and guests for attending the event and participating with great interest. Tahir Mahmood Mubashar sahib, Murrabi Silsila and Teacher Jamia Ahmadiyya UK concluded the programme with silent prayer. The event lasted over two hours and a total of 115 members attended the programme.