Majlis Ansarullah Fazal region organised an Interfaith Peace seminar/Vigil on 20th March 2022 at St. Mary’s ChurchPutney High Street and Putney Bridge. The attendance of guests in this programme was 10, while the number of Ansar that joined this program was 17.
Imran Yousaf and Basharat Ahmed (Nazim Tabligh Fazal Region) represented Ahmadiyya Muslim Elders Association. The theme of this program was #StopWW3.
After Zohr and Asr’s prayers at 1:30 pm, Ansar gathered at the defined meeting point at Sare-e-Ansar at 2:00 pm. The programme started with a silent prayer conducted by Naib Amir Sahib UK. At 2:45 pm, all reached allocated points in High Street Putney and set up a Tabligh stall.

Reverend of Putney Church
Reverend expressed his dismay and confusion in understanding the current events unfolding in Ukraine. He described a wish for justice to prevail in the world.
Representative of Hindu temple
Hindu representative chanted the Hindu song of peace and conveyed an ardent desire for peace to prevail.
Representative of Buddhist temple
She read out their Buddhist principles of peace and social welfare.
AMEA representative Imran Yusuf
Imran Yusuf read out the press release of 5th March 2022 of Hadrat Khalifatul Messiah V (aba). Following the press release, a quote from the Holy Quran highlighted the golden principle of not allowing enmity to overrule the observance of justice. He also read a hadith relating to helping the both the oppressed and the oppressor.

Another Christian participant visited the tabligh stall and then joined our Vigil. She pointed out immense admiration and love for our banner “ Love For All Hatred For None”.
A gentleman was a passer-by and belonged to the Quaker faith. He was interested in what we were doing and joined us. He commended our efforts to highlight the need for peace in the world today.