August 2022
A group of Ansar from Majlis Ansarullah Scotland Region visited Inverness by travelling 175 miles from Glasgow on 29, 30 and 31 August 2022. In this Tabligh journey, 22 Ansar participated. They distributed “Stop World War 3” and “The Messiah has come” leaflets to people.
Some leaflets were also posted in the houses where face-to-face discussions with house residents took place. They set up three stalls in various locations each day, providing an opportunity to meet people and convey the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat through verbal discussions and distributing books and leaflets.
Many people appreciated their visit to Inverness from Glasgow and suggested visiting more frequently. One professor of theology from a local university spent some time on their stall and was presented with some books, and contact details were exchanged for future contact.
The total number of leaflets distributed by Ansar was 2000. The trip was financed by Majlis Ansarullah UK Tabligh department, actively organised by Daud Qureshi sahib, and mainly supported by Ansar of Scotland. Some Khuddam and Atfal also participated.