Majlis Ansarullah North West Region on 25 April 2018 held Tabligh session with Religious Education Teachers
Alhamdulillah By the grace of Allah,
Majlis Ansarullah North West Region on 25 April 2018 held Tabligh session with Religious Education Teachers of 18 primary teachers from The Trafford RE group attended the mosque for a tour and Q&A session with ex-headteacher Laura Roberts from Woodheys Primary. Laura. She was so impressed with the community work the jamaat do and with the mosque tour that she decided to organise this visit today.
There was an in-depth discussion about purdah, Muslims shaking hands, fasting among primary children, extremism, giving charity and many other topics.
The event was a success and 21 copies of the Holy Qur’an were distributed. 18 were taken for keeping in school libraries and 2 were taken by teachers for personal reading.
The way to read and understand the Holy Qur’an and how to look up references and use of the short commentary was also discussed. Each guest was presented with various leaflets and 2 books, pathway to peace and Life of Muhammad.
Many teachers asked to bring their children for a mosque tour/school assembly.
Muhammad kashif
Regional Nazim NW