Majlis Ansarullah UK celebrated National Tablīgh Day on Sunday 29th May 2022. Qiadat Tablīgh gave a complete programme to all Nazmeen Tablīgh to aid in the organisation. In addition, coordinators were also appointed in each region to assist.
A promotional video of the Tabligh Day can be seen below:
Activities Report
On the day, Ansar in different parts of the country participated in the campaign “The Messiah Has Come” campaign. On that day, Majālis were emphasised to visit their allocated villages, establish contact with village-based organisations, and hold Tablīgh stalls.
Regional Participation: This Tablīgh day was celebrated at the regional level across the country in which 273 Ansar from 48 Majālis of 9 Regions participated. Due to overlapping Jamā’at programmes, some regions gained approval to celebrate this day in July 2022.
“The Messiah Has Come” Campaign: Ansar distributed about 9300 “The Messiah Has Come” leaflets on National Tablīgh Day. On the day, Ansar also did Door-to-Door leafleting, in which 37 Majālis participated. In the Door- to-Door leafleting, Ansar gave leaflets by hand instead of being dropped through the letter box.
Village Tablīgh Stalls: On this, emphasis was laid on increasing Tablīgh contacts with village based organisations and setting up stalls in villages. A total of 38 Majālis set up 48 stalls and participated in Door-to-Door leafleting. Other than Leaflets of “The Messiah Has Come”, Ansar gave more than 971 other books and Jamā’at literature. Ansar answered the people’s questions and spoke to 238 non-Muslim / non-Ahmadi people. Majālis established 30 contacts with village-based organisations.
Social Media: On National Tablīgh Day, 8 regions shared the tweet on their region’s Twitter account sent by Qiadat Tablīgh UK. Regions that posted Tablīgh Day activities on regional Twitter accounts during Tablīgh Day were 7, and 414 Ansār posted “The Messiah Has Come” poster from their Twitter accounts during Tablīgh Day.