An online refresher course was organised on January 23, 2022 by Majlis Ansarullah UK. Qiadat Tablīgh held a separate Zoom Session.
Attendees were briefed on upcoming events in the year. In addition, special instructions and precautionary measures were given regarding the conduct of these programs.
Attendance: This program was done online on Zoom. It was attended by the Nazmeen and Naib Nazmeen of all the Regions as well as the Muntazmeen and Naib Muntazmeen of all the Majālis’. Ansar participants in this refresher course were 182.
Following are some event highlights.
Aims and Objectives: The aims and objectives of the Preaching Department were presented to all the attendees. Awareness was given about the annual programs and targets of the Tablīgh Department.
Introduction to the fields: Introduction to the various fields of Qiadat Tablīgh and their responsibilities were explained. In this regard, the responsibilities, and activities of Majlis Ansarullah Tablīgh departmental structure were explained. In addition, all the regional coordinators introduced themselves.
Tablīgh Committee: The audience was informed about the importance of the Tablīgh Committee and its formation. The responsibilities of the Regional Tablīgh Committee and guidelines for making it more useful were given. The responsibilities of the local Tablīgh committee were also covered.
“The Messiah Has Come” Campaign: The distribution plan of “The Messiah Has Come” leaflet was given. In this regard, the annual targets of the Region and the Majālis were covered.
Tablīgh Stall: The importance of Tablīgh Stall was explained along with how to setup a good Tablīgh stall to gain more contacts, this was given through pictorial examples. In addition, guidance was given on setting up of rural preaching stalls and related programs.
Gift of the Holy Qur’ān: The importance of the gift of the Holy Qur’ān and to which people to give was explained.
Mosque Open Day: The audience was instructed on how to celebrate Mosque Open Day successfully and who to invite on this event. Suggestions were made on which guests to invite.
Tablīgh Conference and Tablīgh Seminar:
The main objectives of Tablīgh Conference and Tablīgh Seminar were explained. It was explained which people should be invited and which topics should be discussed.
Ashrah Tablīgh and Tablīgh Day: The annual dates of Ashrah Tablīgh and Tablīgh Day were given and instructions were given on how to celebrate these programs in full.
Interfaith Sessions: Attendees were briefed on the planning procedures for interfaith sessions and topics of the year 2022.
Seerat-un-Nabiصلى الله عليه وسلم : Attendees were informed of the objectives of Seerat-un-Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم. They are guided on how to organise this event.
Da’yan-illah Class: The audience was informed about the importance and objectives of conducting Da’yan-ul-Allah class. In addition, it was emphasised to increase the number of Da’yan-e-Khasoshi in the Majālis and their attendance in classes. Attendees were briefed on the topics of these Da’yan- illah classes.
Mentorship Program: Mentorship Program has been started from this year. Instructions were given, about this program in which new Ahmadis and Ansar that took Bai’t will be invited to narrate their personal experiences.
Individual Targets: Instructions were given on how to enhance individual contacts. The audience was made aware of the goals of individual contacts and targets.
Tablīgh Research Team: Attendees were briefed on the objectives and functions of the Central Tablīgh Research Team.
Social Media: The audience was made aware of the importance of social media. The goals of conducting social media training sessions were given.
Tablīgh Newsletter: The audience was introduced to the Tablīgh Newsletter and informed about the content provided in it.
Question and Answer Session: At the end a Question and Answer session was held in which attendees asked questions on various Tablīgh events and activities. Some good suggestions were also given by attendees on this occasion.