May 2022
On 29th May 2022, Majlis Ansarullah Nottingham held a village Tablīgh stall at Beeston village. Three Ansar participated and distributed 121 leaflets of “The Messiah has come”, 1 leaflet of “Women in Islam”, and 1 book of “Islam and peace”. They held 5 one to one conversations as well.
A young man, Mr Kafdood, from Iraq, came to the stall and asked questions about Ahmadiyyat. The Ansar at the stall gave him a brief introduction.
Mr Jarret came to the stall, took a leaflet, and said he was going to QMC for treatment. He requested to please remember him in your prayers.
Mr Naaptoor from Mongolia, studying Crime phycology at Nottingham university, came to the stall. He took an interest in Islam Ahmadiyyat and asked questions about Islam. They answered him and gave him one book and a leaflet.
A couple from Holland came and asked about the Jamā’at Ahmadiyya. They took an interest in Ahmadiyya and were given three leaflets. They asked some questions and were very happy with the answers.
One man visited but had an insulting manner and said, “there is no need for religious beliefs”. He emphasised that religion was misused to gain power. They had a good conversation regarding the teaching of Islam Ahmaddyat.
February 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Nottingham set up a Tabligh stall on 27th February 2022 at Carlton Shopping Centre. They distributed 20 leaflets of “The Messiah has come”, one booklet of “Islam as a religion of peace”. On this stall, 3 Tabligh conversations were held, and the message of Ahmaddiyat Islam was introduced.
One church member came and had a small conversation regarding our Tabligh stall. He mentioned that he saw us there very frequently. He appreciated our Motto, “Love for all Hatred for None”. It was a successful stall in which two Ansar members participated.
January 2022
Majlis Nottingham held a Tablīgh stall on 29th January 2022 in Arnold town centre Nottingham. Four Ansar and two Atfal participated. On this stall 36 leaflets were distributed.
Majlis Nottingham held a Tablīgh stall on 30th January 2022, in with 7 Ansar participated. About 119 leaflets were distributed. Two people had a good discussions and were given leaflets.