August 2022
On 14th August 2022, Majlis Ansarullah Newcastle held a city Tabligh stall at City Centre Newcastle. Mirza Muhammad Yousaf sahib, Muhammad Anwar Virk sahib, Munir Ahmad sahib, Abdul Razaq sahib, Nasir Ahmad Bhatti sahib and Nasir-ud-Dinsahib sahib participated. They gave 156 mixed leaflets and one book.
Following are some people’s remarks on the stall.
1. A lady with her husband came and was very impressed by the slogan of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community on the Banner. She said that the slogan “Love for All, Hatred for None” is a very trustworthy and appealing message. She also took some pamphlets and a book, “The Pathway to Peace”.
2. Another lady came to the Tablīgh stall and Mirza Muhammad Yousaf sahib (Zaeem) gave intro about Jamaat Ahmadiyya. She showed interest and wished to research further in Islam, so they gave their phone number to her for future contact.
3. They also had a good conversation about Islam Ahmadiyyat with a person who visited.
4. One young boy (from Kurdistan) visited the Tablīgh Stall, picked up some pamphlets, and requested a copy of the Quran. His Name and contact number were collected for future contact, and they promised a copy of the Holy Quran would be handed over to him in the near future.