On 28th May 2022, Majlis Ansarullah held a Tablīgh stall at Wandsworth. The names of the participants were Abdul Waheed sahib, Atta ul Ala sahib, Riaz Ahmad sahib, Sheikh Mubashar sahib, Tahir Ahmad sahib, Khalid Safeer sahib. They discussed with 5 peoples and gave them the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat. They distributed 320 leaflets and 5 books.
March 2022
On 5th March 2022, Majlis Ansarullah Wandsworth held a Tablīgh stall at Wandsworth. Tahir Mahmood Langha sahib, Sami ul Ah sahib, and Manzoor ul Haq Shams sahib gave their time and distributed 50 leaflets.
February 2022
On 27th February 2022, Majlis Ansarullah Wandsworth set up a Tabligh stall at Wandsworth high Street next to Sainsbury. Khalid Safeer sahib, Waheed sahib and Atta ul Alla sahib participated. Stall started at 2:00 pm and windup at 3:30 pm. They distributed 15 leaflets and one book of “The Life of Mohammad (as)”. It was a successful stall where satisfactory answers gave to the questions raised by many visitors.