July 2022
On 17th July 2022, Majalis Ansarullah Jamia Ahmadiyya, Islamabad and Aldershot jointly held a Tabligh stall in Aldershot. Nasir sahib, Naseer sahib, Fazal sahib, Noor sahib, his father, and one Khadim participated in this stall. It was a good stall, and they distributed more than 200 leaflets. Majlis got 4 new contacts.
Another joint effort of Majalis Ansarullah Jamia Ahmadiyya, Islamabad and Aldershot made on 24th July 2022 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm and held a Tabligh stall. On this day’s activities, more than 100 leaflets were distributed by Naseer sahib of Elstead, Athar Mian sahib and Fazal-ur-Rehman Nasir sahib.
March 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Aldershot held two Tablīgh stalls on 22nd and 27th March 2022. A total of 27 leaflets and 8 books distributed on these stalls.
February 2022
Majlis Ansarullah Aldershot held a Tabligh stall at Aldershot Town Centre on 13th February 2022. Despite the rain and strong winds, the stall was very successful. A summary of our interaction with contacts is below:
Young British Native (works in the army) – a lengthy chat about various aspects of life, i.e. purpose of life, afterlife, compulsion in religion. Ansar gave him the book “Philosophy of the Teaching of Islam”.
Middle Aged British native – Raised as a catholic but now agnostic due to bad past experiences. He regards himself as a pacifist. He Discussed the current Russia/Ukraine situation. He was given “Stop WW3” leaflet, and Contact details were shared. He expressed interest in further discussions on this topic.
Young Nepalese Student – wanted to learn more about Islam – they gave him the book “The Life of Muhammad (sa)”.