- Hazrat Ibn Abbas, Allah be pleased with him relates, that the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, delivered a sermon and said:
“…… O, people, a number of people from the followers of my Ummah would be taken to the hell, thereupon, I shall say, O my Lord, these are my companions. Then I would be told: you do not know what they contrived after you. At that time, I shall say precisely what the righteous servant- Jesus son of Mary- said: “And I was witness over them as long as I remained among them, but since Thou didst cause me to die, Thou hast been the watcher over them.” (Al-Bukhari, Kitab-ul-Tafseer, Sura Maaida, Page 1411, Vol. 3)
- Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas relates that Hazrat Abu Bakr, Allah be pleased with him, came when the Holy Prophet peace and blessing of Allah be upon him had passed away and at that time Hazrat Umar was addressing the people. Hazrat Abu Bakr asked Hazrat Umar to sit down. However, Hazrat Umar did not sit but the people left him and paid heed to Hazrat Abu Bakr. Hazrat Abu Bakr said:
…O People those amongst you who worshipped Muhmmad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), let them know that Muhammad (pbuh) has passed away. But those amongst you who worshipped Allah, let them believe firmly that Allah lives on and will never die. Allah has said that Muhammad is but a messenger and all messengers before him have passed away. (Bukhari, Kitabul Maghazi Babu Marzun Nabi wa wafatohu, vol. 3, page 1343-1344)
- In Sahih Bukhari, Hazrat Ibn Abbas, Allah be pleased with him, has been quoted as translating “Mutawaffeeka” with “I will cause thee to die”. (Bukhari, Kitab alTafseer, Sura Maaida)
- The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is reported to have said:
When the servant of God adopts humility, Allah the Exalted elevates him up to the seventh heaven.” (Kanzulummal, Babul Awwal Fil Akhlaq, vol 3 page 110)
- Hazrat Imam Hasan, recounting the events relating to the death of Hazrat Ali, Allah be pleased with him, is reported to have said:
O ye People, the man who has died today, neither those who proceeded him, nor who follow him after would be any match to his qualities. When the Holy Prophet sent him to battle, he had Angel Gabriel on the right and Angel Michael on the left to support him. He never returned from a battle defeated. He bequeathed seven hundred Derhams which he had saved to purchase a slave to set him free. He died during the 27th night of the month of Ramadhan, the same night that the spirit of Jesus was raised to Heaven. (Ibne Saad, Tabaqat ul Kubra vol 3 page 28)
- The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
Gebriel informed me that every successive prophet has lived to half the age of his predecessor. And verily Jesus, son of Mary, lived to 120 years. Therefore, I think, I may reach the age of sixty. (Kanzulummal vol 11 page 479)
- The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said to the group of Najran:
Do you not know that our Lord is living and He will never die, whereas Jesus has already died? (Asbabun Nazul, page 68)
- The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is reported to have said:
“Allah the Exalted revealed to Jesus, peace be upon him, ‘O Isa, continue to move from one place to another so that you might not be persecuted after being recognised.” (Kanzulummal Chapter 1 in vol 3 page 158)
- The Holy Prophet, Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, praised Allah the Exalted and eulogized Him, and then he said:
O people, I have come to know that you are afraid of your Prophet’s death. Did any of the prophet who was sent before me had everlasting life that I should live with you for ever? Hearken, I am going to meet my Lord, and certainly you will meet me. Hence, I give you advise regarding the first immigrants (from Mecca). (Khutaba alMustafa by Mohammad Khalil alKahteeb: page 345)
- Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al-Ansari Alqurtabi writes: It has been narrated that the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
Allah the Exalted has honoured the martyrs with five honours that not a single prophet not even me, has been honoured with such honours. The first honour is, that the souls of all the prophets are in the custody of the Angel of death, and he it is who shall seize my soul too, but the soul of the martyrs are seized by Allah Himself with His Divine power as He wishes. He has not given the Angel of death control over their souls. (Al-Jame’ leAhkamil Quran vol 4 page 176)
- The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him has said:
If Moses and Jesus were alive, they would have no alternative but to follow me. (Ibn Kathir: Tafseer ul Quran vol 1 page 378)
Source: Beacon of Truth (https://www.alislam.org/library/books/Beacon-of-Truth.pdf)